Calling all Londoner's - The Topshop Oxford Circus sale does still have potential. I haven't really bothered with the sales since boxing day; I never usually find anything worth buying anyway and it's all a bit too hectic/jumble-sale-like for my liking. However, whilst in Topshop on Thursday (yes I know I've been meaning to do this post since that very day), I thought there'd be no harm in having a gander, and I'm glad I did. A pair of gold shoes that I had my eye on a while ago were reduced to £10!

Score! Very rare to find any decent shoes left on the size 8 rack this far along... Plus, a gold dress I found was reduced to £25. Unfortunately they only had size 12's left so it's a bit baggy...

I also found another dress, in exactly the same style, in the new stock, which was only £32, and they actually had a size 10, thankfully. It made me so happy inside when I tried it on that I had to buy it... even if I do have to wait several months at least until it's warm enough to actually wear it...