So America is recieving Topshop - the store that makes me proud to shop on the british high street. They're also getting the largest store in the world, bigger than the milti-storey Oxford Street flagship. This upsets me a little. We got Abercrombie (hmm) but the prices are actually twice what you would pay in the US. What I would really like is if we had a Forever 21 store over here, or cheaper shipping at least! There are so many bargains to be had, but when I glance over the shipping costs I feel a little ill inside. So surely, if they're getting Topshop, they could give us Forever 21? Ok, so it's not as good as Topshop, but every now and then I find some must-have gems which are half the price you would pay in our trusty shoppy toppy. Here are a few of my favourites from just having a quick gander. You can see many more on their website. Maybe if you combine shipping costs with a friend it could work out cheaper for you both?