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All I Want for Christmas...
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Lucky teen fans of Rachel will be happy to hear that she is about to launch a line of clothing with DKNY Jeans. She named the collection ‘Edie Rose’ so that people who see it in store will buy it because they covet it; not because it has Rachel Bilson emblazoned on the tag. The collection is inspired by her dream closet, and I know plenty of people who dream of having her closet.

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Men’s style is not my forte - I am happy to admit that - but Brandon’s style is hard not to acknowledge. He is daring and experimental in the ways I aspire to be with his choice of clothing, and he hasn’t gone unrecognised in the fashion industry. At this year’s GQ Men of the Year awards he was crowned the Most Stylish Man, and it was well deserved. Whether it’s dressing head to toe in gold sequins whilst headlining Glastonbury, or experimenting with eyeliner and facial hair, he’s always trying new things to make his appearances all the more interesting. When asked where his style comes from, he credits growing up with four sisters and cites Elton John and David Bowie as inspirations. With each new album comes a new signature look for Brandon. For Hot Fuss there was an indie theme mixed with 80’s inspiration. Then there was Sam’s Town, where we saw sequins, moustaches and tuxedos; channelling the ringmaster look. With a new album on the way, we can only look forward to finding out what Brandon’s reinvention will look like this time.
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Blair’s style is refreshing and inspires me to dress up more every day, instead of just relying on jeans and a cardigan. Even her hair is always immaculate, whether blow dried to perfection or in beautifully neat curls, one thing you’ll never see is Blair Waldorf sporting a greasy ponytail. Attention to details such as her pyjamas have also been made, and makes women envy the perfect state she wakes up in. As the series goes on I’m sure there will be more inspiration from Blair’s closet for female viewers all over; Compliments to the Gossip Girl stylist.

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